Website disclaimer

For this You Can Foster campaign we needed to protect the identity of children who are currently in local authority foster care.

It is important to us that the campaign is authentic and accurately represents the children and foster carers.

To design the campaign we held focus groups with foster carers. These carers told us about the ambitions of children they’d had staying with them and these formed the basis for the campaign scenarios.

All the pictures for the campaign are posed by models.

The models we chose reflect the demographic of the children currently in foster care.

Local authorities and foster carers shared some information on children they have or have had in their care. This formed the basis for the case studies on the website. Whilst the information around ambitions, progress, likes and dislikes is true, identifying information such as age, gender and names have been changed to protect their identity.

Some foster carers are willing to appear in the campaign and act as advocates for their profession. Others want to remain anonymous but are willing to share their experiences. They could have many reasons for wanting to remain anonymous – they might just be shy! For this reason names and some identifying details have been changed for the foster carers too. We feel that being able to share their experiences is valuable in explaining the realities of foster care and it is worth using anonymous case studies when needed.

As these individuals have shared their stories specifically for this campaign, if you’d like to use any of our case studies elsewhere to promote the recruitment of foster carers we ask that you seek permission first, please email
